
I love Friends and Family!. Life has always been a huge roller coaster ride for me and now I'm really getting tired of it. But i just wanna put effort in everything.♥


please don't go away
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why am i always making myself upset?

I should think to positive side right?

I always doing things without thinking, sometimes after finish doing then started regret. Glad that i have the friend who understanding me, never argue with me and forgive me.

Friend, i am truly treasure you.

Maybe you may think i am just a liar.I agree that i am a person who always jeolous people, i am trying to control it.
(p/s: some people may make some comment but please i am really trying hard to changed it.)

Hoping myself can be rich hehe=D
so that, i can bought anythings that i love and reduce my parent burden, so i will try my very very best to fulfil my dream in one day. Although i know it is HARD for me to become richer haha. I need to study hard , work and earn money $$ haha i am money face de : )

I am learning to be strong.
Till HERE. Good Night

8:25 PM



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